Weekend Plans?

can you tell someone is still potty-training? at least he’s enjoying it!How’s your weekend shaping up?  I’m having a MUCH better day than yesterday, which started with a bottle of home-brewed Kombucha (LOVE it, anyone want a starter and instructions? happy to share, it’s so easy) exploding all over me, the clean dishes, and the kitchen … 3 minutes before I had to bolt out the door.  Of course I had 15 minutes of stuff to pack into those 3 minutes :).  The day went downhill from there, and I spent most of it either falling to pieces or struggling not to. 

Today, though, I finished a site and it went live (for Douglas’ school) and I’m about to go out in the bitterly cold sun to pick up both kids.  Yay!  That’s for the fact that both are actually in school today, Fynn’s been home sick for most of the week with yet another cold.  Sigh.

I did say something about weekend plans, didn’t I?  I plan to relax tonight with my family, run a quick 4M race tomorrow morning, and then chill and make a few gifts until my SIL/BIL/nephew hopefully come to visit on Sunday afternoon.  Looking fwd to seeing family!

How’s your weekend looking?