Happy Holidays!

Whether you’re recovering from Canada Day or anticipating July 4th, or simply starting your summer vacation, hope it’s a great one!  I’m gearing up for a hodge-podge weekend here, with possible company, a party that I hope not to have to take the kids to (they’ll be the only ones and I don’t know the house), Fynn’s first haircut(!), and hopefully a couple of good runs. 

Hope your weekend is full of food and friends, if you need a few last-minute ideas check out PW’s Arsenal or the Independence Day lineup over at Recipezaar.

At Fynn’s 3rd birthday celebration last weekend, we kept it simple-ish with a big jug of lemonade (I borrowed the jug from a friend and lived in fear that it would get knocked over!), cupcakes, paint and paper, and burgers on the grill.  A smashingly good time was had by all, and it only took me 45 minutes the next day to scrub the paint off the sidewalk and backyard slate :). 

It’s hard for me to keep it simple, but it worked really well, and I hope I learned my lesson.  It didn’t hurt that I had two friends here for the weekend who both work in the restaurant biz, and who were all over my kitchen getting things done :).  Have a great weekend however you spend it!