The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed*

Here’s to a new decade, a new year, and a somewhat clean slate!  As I’m resolving to at least complete the first month of NaBloPoMo, I’ll try to give a nod most days to their chosen theme of BEST.  To start my year off with some gratitude (which I’ve been short on lately), here are the top ten BEST things from 2009, in no particular order …

1. We all stayed healthy.  No flu, a few colds and coughs and sore muscles, but absolutely nothing I can label as sick.  I think Fynn had a fever of 100 for one day?  Pretty amazing for a family of 4 with two kids in school!

2. We took a long road trip that included territory-scouting for where we’d like to move, lots of family, a wedding, some good camping, and a second visit to my 93-year-old grandmother. 

3. The boys learned to play together.  Not flawlessly, mind you, but there are fewer instances of kicking and screaming and a lot more getting along.  When it’s good, it’s really really good, and when it’s bad … well, we won’t go there in a Best list :).

4.  My husband found his painting groove, and is 1/2 a canvas away from a solo show in Chelsea!  Can’t wait for that one, should happen this spring. 

5.  I ran 10+ races, including 5 half marathons, and beat the goal time I’d set myself for a half by 7 minutes :). 

6.  I got in touch with some painful emotions I’d buried years ago, and started to find some healing in expressing them.

7.  The boys got to spend time with their great-grandmother, and Fynn was old enough that now he’ll truly remember her.  They are SO alike it’s utterly delicious.  

8.  We went to one wedding and no funerals

9.  We had a very difficult roommate leave, and a pair of wonderful ones move in!

10.  I stopped coaching, started web-designing, and had as many clients as I could handle!

What were the best things about 2009 for you?

* Headline courtesy of the Princess and the Frog, which we dragged our overtired selves to today.  Not the best one I’ve ever seen, and rather heavy on the voodoo for my taste (hoping there are no nightmares of glowing-eyed monsters tonight!), but it was good to get out of the house together!