Friday Roundup

Sorry it’s so late today, it’s been a crazy-full day with last-day-of school parties and all the loose ends that had to be tied up at school.  I’m ready for bed, but wanted to share a couple links before I crash!

WC post about how honest are you when answering your kids’ questions about your own past?  Great questions, interesting answers …

Our demons … from Shinshu Life … fun bath conversation with truths woven in, what inner demons do you fight?

I didn’t do much blog wandering this week, so that’s all i really feel like recommending.  I spent most of the week trying to end school well.  Leaving is hard, especially something you love, and honestly I have come to love the community at D’s school.  It hurt a lot to say goodbye.  Watching for D’s reactions and emotions was critical too, and ultimately it all took most of my energy and attention for the week.  Not to mention shoveling and snow playing and sledding and all the fun that comes with a February snowstorm!  I’m emotionally and physically pooped :). 

So if you’ve got great links to share, please share ‘em in the comments!  Otherwise have a great V-day if you celebrate, great weekend anyway if you don’t, and I’ll catch you all on Monday. 

