Happy New Year, Moms!

Whew, we made it!  Another year of mothering, growing, stretching, learning, and hopefully so much more than surviving … and thank you all so very much for being a part of my year.  I’m honored by your company, comments, and sharing of yourselves, it really means a lot to me.  Thank you, fellow sane moms!

So how did you spend New Year’s Eve?  I felt like going to bed at 8pm, but didn’t let myself as we’d promised the boys they could stay up.  They did, we did, and of course we’re paying for it today :).  We played in the rapidly-melting snow until almost midnight, then hiked over just a few blocks to the Pratt Institute’s annual tradition of noisemaking, pictured above.  They have a very cool old steam-generating power plant still in operation there, and they power a steam organ once a year, on New Year’s eve, and when the clock strikes 12 they cut loose with the big old steam whistles that sound like there’s an old freight train about to run across your toes!  We learned our lesson last year, and so stayed back a bit this time as the crowds up close make it hard to move, and your eardrums truly will hurt, those suckers are LOUD!! 

I’m not too fond of resolutions, but sort made one today in that I’m really hoping to use the word Yes more often this year.  I think I’ll need to make a little vision board that reflects that, I’ll post it when I do.  Any resolutions on your end?  Regrets?  Rethinks?  May the year be all you hope, and full of surprises :).