Q of the Week : Any good reads lately?

I received a Kindle on Friday as a thank-you gift for a design job I did for a friend.  I’ve been wanting one for awhile, and am loving it so far!  Thanks M :).  I don’t think it will ever replace paper books for me, the tactile nature of turning pages is something I love, and kind of miss with e-book reading.  Then again Fynn is so pleased with it he just sits next to me and wants to turn the pages :).  It’s rather seductive in it’s sleekness, and the idea that I can carry a bunch of books in my backpack, including ones to keep my boys busy, is pretty fine. 

My friend sent me a few e-books to go along with it, and one of them was My Sister’s Keeper, which I’d had on my radar for awhile.  I just finished it today, so you can tell I managed to cram far more hours of reading in than normal!  I loved the book right up until the end, which left me a bit miffed at it’s suddenness and improbability.  It certainly didn’t ruin the book though, and I’d highly recommend it as a great read with some fascinating moral/ethical twists.  A real tear-jerker when reading it as a mother too.  

I’ve had so many “helpful” books in my bedside stack (more like a teetering pile that includes the kleenex box, discarded socks, and the occasional bra) lately that I’m glad to have some novels to lighten the load.  It’s nice to be sucked into a book, rather than feel like I’m going to be helped by it.  Variety is good :). 

One other recent re-read is Dove, which sucked me in this time just as much as in my teens, and did absolutely nothing to dampen my ever-growing wanderlust.  It’s the true account of a 16-year-old boy who sets out in the 60’s to sail around the world, solo.  It made me mourn a bit for the travel freedoms that are no longer, and the diminishing number of ‘undiscovered’ corners of the world.  It made me miss being 16 a bit too, but not for long!  Makes me take a look at my dreams, and what I’m doing about them.  Good stuff. 

Douglas is getting old enough now that I sample most of his library picks, and actually find some of them genuinely interesting.  We’ve become big fans of Avi, whose historical fiction gives fascinating glimpses into history, always from the perspective of a youngster.  I still enjoy all things Asterix too, and have been known to swipe them before he’s finished with them ;).

So, what’s in your stack?