Q of the Week : Last time you really laughed?

Image courtesy of notashamed via FlickrI know I should be asking about summer plans, survival tips, and that kind of thing, but I want to know other things right now.  Google answered my most pressing question already tonight: How do you get cat pee out of a down comforter?“  Thankfully I have a laundromat right around the corner, and made a mini-date with Fynn out of the wash cycle part of it all.  We read both a crazy Italian folk tale about a girl with a goat-head, and details about the Roman Army’s weaponry and strategies, nice combo don’t you think?  Then I dropped him back at home and made the drying time into a date with myself and my current book.  A nice break from a pile of client work!

Summer is creeping up on me, and about to bite me in the butt.  Two weeks and one day till Douglas leaves for a month of camp, and just a couple of days after that we’re having a party for the little guy turning 5.  Five??  Camp???  Shudder, can’t really grasp it right now.  Loving and dreading it both.  The independence is mostly delightful, the melting innocence and increasing powers of manipulation are not.  In both of them. 

So what do I actually want to know?  I want to know what made you laugh today.  If not today, how recently did you really laugh, and what caused it?  Manic “I’ll cry if I don’t laugh” laughter, pee-your-pants funny stuff, or snickering behind your hand as your kid does something that you don’t want him to know you find funny? 

I used to read Reader’s Digest from cover-to-cover, back when I lived at home.  In my defense, it used to have some actual content, but I think that disappeared years ago and I can’t stand it now.  But I did love their Laughter: The Best Medicine section, and all the little true story sections with reader-submitted vignettes.  Laughter is good, and mind tends to get trampled in the mud unless I can laugh at myself daily, which is pretty much what needs to happen around here.  The absurdities pile up and you have to laugh or cry, and laughing is alot better most of the time. 

So when have I really laughed recently?  Douglas’ pee-pee joke today made me smile today, as did the adorable 3-year-old girl in the laundromat who insisted that I sit closer to her, but the last real laughter was probably during the movie Bridesmaids last week, when I snorted, howled, and shook in my seat many times over.  Gut-busting is an apt description.  I need that kind of thing more often, and bet most of you do too. 

How’s your laugh-track doing?  Any good tips on how to keep it a healthy one?  Jokes?  Stories?  YouTube must-sees?  Let’s hear ‘em!


Laundry Photo Contest update : I didn’t get enough entries to do the prize thing, but to the three of you who did enter, thanks much! All of you will get a little something from me in the mail, and I’ll post the pics tomorrow just for fun :).