Taking Off

Fynn driving his space shuttle in the front yard this morning, before it got taken apart and dumped in the trash.

The bags are packed, and it’s time for us to hit the road … so glad that the way has been paved for us to get out of the city for 12 days!  Sadly my husband has to stay home and work, and will be sorely missed, but I’m looking forward to time camping and visits with family and a packed-less-than-usual schedule.  The next 24 hours will be a test of my nerves and the kid’s tolerance though … flying tonight after a full day at our annual block party, complete with sugar and bouncy castles and pony rides and running full tilt for hours.  Then up and at ‘em tomorrow with my parents and church and visiting friends in the afternoon.  I’m looking forward to it all :). 

I’ve scheduled a guest post for next week so you’ll have something new to read, and hope to get a post or two up from wherever I can grab internet.  I make no promises though, this is truly a vacation and I look forward to a proper catching up when I’m back on the 18th! 



ps: To all you ladies at BlogHer, I’m there in spirit and hope you’re having a most excellent weekend.