I survived this week, and that's an accomplishment.

It’s been a heavy week in terms of clients and deadlines and company and depressing news, but it’s Saturday night and the house is quiet and the clients are happy and the company is gone (and they’re happy too I think?) so I’m finally relaxing a bit!  Son number one is at a sleepover, number two is happily curled up in bed, and a glass of wine has been enjoyed.  I managed to not feel guilty about the lack of blogging this week either, which is a large part of the accomplishment.  I just didn’t have it in me!  I should know by now to not promise posts, but let them come as life lets me get them out. 

I hope things pick up soon, I do feel the words starting to pile up and have fallen asleep with posts half-written in my head twice this week, only to wake up without any recollection of what they were.  I’m sure they were brilliant!  Until inspiration strikes …