Sane Grandmas too

While doing my too-often perusal of The Women’s Colony, I came across this gem.  It’s about grandma being grandma and herself too, and not always being ready to watch her grandkids at the drop of a hat.  She has a few things of her own to do also!

A wee sample …

Tonight my beloved daughter called to see if I would babysit her two children on Saturday night. I love my grandkids (ages 3 and 5) to pieces, but if I said yes, it would be the third time I’ve watched them in one week. I declined and told her I had already had plans to see a movie and have dinner with her dad. I could hear the irritation and disappointment in her voice. I rarely say no to her frequent requests to watch the children so that she can go out to dinner with my son-in-law (love him too), go to her book club or go out with the girls for a night on the town.

Guess what? Grandma’s tired. Grandma has a life. Grandma has places to go and people to see.

I was so glad to see this this grandma’s perspective aired, and enjoyed the comments on it also.  I get the very occasional babysitting from my father-in-law, but hesitate to ask much and know he’s got a lot going on.  I don’t live near any other family really, and often wish I did (not just for the prospect of free babysitting!).

How much kid-minding do you get from family?  Ever feel guilty about it or sense that they feel taken advantage of?  Curious. 

Question of the Week: July 13th > How well do you get along with your in-laws?

A good part of any mom’s sanity is her immediate relationships, and so it seems time to ask the In-Laws question.  How well do you get along with your in-laws?  Does it work for you?  Wonderful?  Awful and to be avoided?  Never see them and don’t care to?  Do tell :).

Before I was married I had many things about my in-laws that I really admired.  Things like open, honest communication about sometimes touchy subjects (not my family’s strong suit), and very close relationships with their kids.  I still admire those things, and for the most part they’ve been positive things to have in our family.  We’ve had our share of hiccups and misunderstandings, and the occasional desire to get out the frying pans, but the willingness to talk usually gets those things taken care of!  Once in awhile my FIL and I need a translator, though we’re both speaking english :).  If my MIL is around, she can always make us see each other’s points.  I love them both, and always enjoy time with them.

And you?  Do tell …

> To answer, leave a comment below

Feel free (as always) to be anonymous, this can be a touchy one :)