Q of the Week : Plans for summer?

I know, I know, it’s still February!  But we’re looking at a snow forecast here again, and I’m so ready for sun and summer it’s not funny.  So rather than gripe about it, I’d like to plan for it!  Anything you’re looking forward to, planning for, or have on a wish list?  Trips already outlined, annual vacations that you just do every summer, beaches that you’re plotting and saving for? 
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Happy Valentine's Day!

… and a Q of the Week of course …

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my mom friends out there, hope it’s a good one, and that you feel loved and supported! I had to remind my kiddos to make valentines for the family, but scored some lovingly crafted ones as a result :).  I managed to throw together some heart-scattered placemats as my contribution, along with french toast (a treat around here) and all was good.  I’d share some pics of the creations, but the kittens did in the camera last week, so imaginations will have to suffice. 

As for my husband and I, I’ve requested a cleaning of the litterbox for my present, and he’s happily agreed … yes, we’re romantic like that!  We’ve got a date half-planned actually, though not for V-day specifically, but are waiting on the availability of a free sitter to make it actually happen.

So, for this week’s question, what did you give/get/do for Valentines Day? 

Happy New Year, Moms!

Whew, we made it!  Another year of mothering, growing, stretching, learning, and hopefully so much more than surviving … and thank you all so very much for being a part of my year.  I’m honored by your company, comments, and sharing of yourselves, it really means a lot to me.  Thank you, fellow sane moms!

So how did you spend New Year’s Eve?

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Merry Merry Christmas to you all, and Happy Holidays!

Hand-cut card by my talented house-mate, you can find her work here on Etsy. I hope you’re all tucked in somewhere lovely, finding bits of your heart fed, pockets of delight, and enjoying warm thoughts and toes.  It’s a time to revel in love and friends, indulge in what gives you joy, and know that if things are rough, they’re even rougher somewhere else.  I was commenting to a friend on the phone yesterday about my husband having a big upcoming job dropped into limbo, and when she said “things must be hard for you” I realized I was talking to someone whose life was in a far darker place than mine, and I had no reason to complain!  May your children be grateful, your love reciprocated, and your fellowship rich.  Thanks for all your support and comments on SaneMoms this past year, it’s been great to have you all along in my quest for sanity! It truly makes the journey more enjoyable. 

Love and Merry Christmas to you all,


Q of the Week : Favorite Holiday Food?

As I sit here with a mug of tea and leftover cookies in my belly, I have to ask one obvious question on this next-to-last week of the year.  What’s your favorite holiday food that you crave/dream of/beg/make once a year?  Is it decorated sugar cookies, Grandma’s latkes, honey-baked ham, rum balls, or the truffles that Uncle Jim sends every year?  I have one craving that I never seem to satisfy except at the holidays, and that would have to be the Lindor Truffles that come in a myriad of flavors, all delightful as far as I’ve managed to sample.
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Q of the Week : How do you keep your holidays sane?

I hope you’re all well and recovered from Thanksgiving if it was on your calendar last week! It officially starts the true madness that is the Holiday Season here in the U.S., though many shops had already started playing holiday-themed music before that.  I swear it creeps earlier and earlier every year! It’s such a stressful time for many that we have to talk about it.  Our expectations, our kids expectations, family obligations, budget strains, hospitality and/or travel issues, and the tendency to feel like we’re on a treadmill that will spit us out into the dark days of January, exhausted and in debt. 
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Happy Thanksgiving!

May your holiday be full of cheer, and lip-smacking good to boot!Hope you’re all safe wherever you intend to spend the weekend, and have loved ones to spend the time with.  I’ve procrastinated long enough on my pie making, and need to get at it!  I’ll be doing a wee Trypto-Fun run in the morning to get my blood moving, and then hopefully hanging loose until the afternoon when we head over to my aunt and uncle’s for dinner and the afternoon.  I’ll give a call to the rest of my immediate family that’s gathered in Illinois, hide the tears in my throat that I can’t be with them for the weekend, and be glad that we have local fam to hang out with! 

Cheers to all you beautiful moms.



Q of the Week : What five things are you thankful for?

Image courtesy of The Gifted Photographer via Flickr. It’s the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and while most thoughts turn to turkeys, cranberries, family, travel, and football (if you’re not me) … there is the matter of being thankful.  I know it’s likely a busy week, so let’s keep it brief.  Just to get thoughts rolling in that direction … and I know I have to forcefully turn mine that way when things get tough … can you just humor me and name five quick things you’re thankful for?  Whatever’s top of mind, it doesn’t have to be lofty or deep, just what pops into your head. 

Ready?  Go!

In the Zone

I do miss the midwestern sky I grew up with … I came home from vacation determined to stay calm.  I was reasonably relaxed, though stiff and sore from sitting in cars, strange beds, long runs, and too many restaurants.  We’d done the usual “clean up while packing” frenzy that I’m prone to, as I hate coming home to a mess-strewn house.  So we returned to a never-this-tidy apartment, and I put stuff away as soon as possible. 
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Q of the Week : Best part of your summer?

While summer isn’t quite over in these parts, as it’s meandering into a very hot September, it’s still a great question … what’s been the best bit(s) of your summer?  We just got back from a 2 week road-trip, and I’m asking myself the same thing.  I’d have to say it’s been the slow times around the ‘hood with my boys, at the park and pool … taking it easy and not rushing from one thing to the next.  I’m notorious for rushing, but enjoy so much more when I slow things down. 

Seeing a bunch of family in the last two weeks was great also, especially my 94-year old grandma who can still tell stories of her childhood even though she can’t remember my name from one second to the next.  Seeing my boys with her was priceless! 

What have been your highlights? 

Friday Roundup

It’s the 4th of July weekend, and I’m betting most of my U.S. moms are in the thick of either travel, plotting parties/outings, or looking forward to a bit more down time than normal.  Happy Indepencence Day!  I’ll be taking monday off in honor of it all, and will catch up again on Tuesday.  Before I go, some great finds from the week, and thanks as always for coming along for the ride!

Have a fab weekend, and may it be restful enough and long enough to find a quiet corner to yourself!



Memorial Day Weekend

My very fierce pirateFirst off, a belated happy Memorial Day weekend to my American moms, and a big thanks to those who continue to give up so much in service of this country!  I hope it was spent with friends and family, and didn’t involved too much painful travel?  We opted to stay close to home and hit up the “Pirate Park” with bandanas, swords, and tattoos.  Lots of walking, a birthday party, stoop sales, mulberry scavenging, backyard hose play, and wrapping up a renovation project rounded out the three days for us. 

I’m doing my best not to feel behind before it starts, and have begged a kid-watching day midweek so I can get some client work done.  I’ll be keeping the rest to a minimum, but will still post something every day. 

How was your weekend??

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you have some love coming your way this weekend, even if it means sleeping in an extra half hour!  We have a late party to go to the night before Mother’s Day, which involves an open bar among other things, so we may both be vying for that extra half hour, we’ll see :). 

I listened to Kelly Corrigan’s Mother’s Day message earlier this week, and it hit me in exactly the right place.  I’m going to simply say Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing moms, no matter what you said or did or yelled or thought this week (I highly doubt it’s lower than my low point a few days ago!), and “what Kelly said”, because she says it so much more eloquently than I ever could!  You are amazing for being there day in and day out through all the yuck and the yum and the sanity-stretching moments, and I hope you get a bit of acknowledgement of it this weekend.  Just in case, it’s said beautifully below. 

Q of the Week : What's a favorite memory of your mom?

With Mother’s Day approaching, Me and my mom, as we both were tearing up while saying goodbye last summer.I thought it a good idea to share memories of our own moms.  I initially wanted to ask about your first memory, but that’s hard to come up with for some of us (me included!) so would just love to hear a favorite story about your own mum. 

I have a few …

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A Holiday Sample of My Own Particular Mommy-Madness : Guest Post from Rahti

A Holiday Sample of My Own Particular Mommy-Madness

I don’t know what I was thinking.  There I was, late afternoon smack in the middle of Spring Break, on line at the Flagship 5th Avenue Build-a-Bear with a flaccid, waiting-to-be-stuffed plush toy and mandatory outfit.  A camp full of kids from out of town had descended on this Manhattan tourist trap unannounced, leaving the store understaffed. But I couldn’t just walk away…

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Q of the Week : What (if anything) do you expect to get for Valentine's Day?

Expectations are rarely a good idea in terms of gifts, but I bet at least most of us secretly have them.  I’m the queen of telling myself I have no expectations, but then realizing later (in my disappointment) that I really did have them!  Grr.  Better to never expect and be pleasantly surprised, yes? 

However, I still want to know … what do you expect to get for Valentine’s Day?  I grew up in a house where holidays were faithfully acknowleged with a treat and a card at our place at the breakfast table.  We almost always ate together, and it became a fun ritual to see something colorful on our plates in the morning.  I don’t manage anything remotely regular like that, but sometimes the kids make or get cards, and I do whatever comes to mind.  It’s almost always last-minute! 

This Sunday, I expect I’ll have a card from my mom to open (she’s never missed a year yet) and likely some kind of card from Douglas that he’s made in class.  They get less elaborate as they get older, but they did make Christmas cards so I won’t be too shocked if something pink or red comes home.  Other than that, I have none.  My husband doesn’t do holidays, and I’m determined not to make him feel guilty if he doesn’t.  I’ll probably bring him coffee in bed, and call it a day :). 

So, what are your true holiday expectations? 

Would You Like Some ... Shrimp Valentine?

Back when we still pretended to celebrate holidays, I sometimes made a special Valentine’s Day dinner.  One year I pulled a recipe from the newspaper that sounded like it had all our favorites in it: lime, shrimp, garlic, butter, stinky cheese, cilantro, and sake.  What’s not to love?!  It’s rich enough to be reserved for special occasions, and man is it good!  It’s definitely become a favorite, though I don’t make it too often. 

The recipe is below, and if you want a handy printable version head over here to PW’s Tasty Kitchen where I’ve posted it too.  Aside from peeling shrimp (if you buy them that way) it’s very quick to make … Enjoy! 

Recipe after the jump …

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Tip of the Week : How to tackle those resolutions!

Ok, I’m betting many of your made resolutions, even if they were in the form of “this year I hope to …”.  Right?  Something new, something rolled over from last year, something big, something small.  Whatever it is, you’ve either tackled it gleefully, or are eyeing it suspiciously from a distance.  Resolutions/shmezolutions, I’m not too fond of them!  They ARE handy ways to focus on something new however, and the new year is a great, fresh, wide-open vantage point to tackle them from!

A few tips …

  • First off, make sure it’s something you really WANT to do, not something that some vestige of guilt is goading you into!
  • Allow yourself a truly clean slate.
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Best ways to get back into 'normal' life?

As vacation winds down, and school is staring us in the face on Monday, I have a dilemma.  Do we wring the most out of the last couple of days (that means bedtimes stay slidden into the 10pm range for the boys) or do we put them down closer to the normal time in preparation for having to be back on schedule on Monday?  I dread having to get up earlier again, and having to go back to a fixed routine.  I MUCH prefer to stay up late and get up whenever … and my boys do tend to sleep in pretty well when they’ve been up late.   It’s a bit of a hypothetical question as we’ve already got dinner plans tonight, so the likelihood of anything resembling a normal bedtime is slim. 

I always have this problem though. 

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