running partners!

I started a running group in my 'hood, and tomorrow I have my first workout with a running buddy in, oh, about 8 years! Looking forward to it, though not the getting up at 6am part.

I ran a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, and while I didn't run well, I had fun! I had to pee before the race began, got there too late to do so, and ended up hopping the barricades at 1.5 miles in and making a pit stop. Took me till mile 3 to find my stride, and given that there were 5 miles in all, it wasn't my best time. 46:10 total.

Glad I got out and did it though.

Countdown to my own 3k race is 19 days! Pounding the pavement and phone for sponsors, flyers, donations, and participants ... it's a ton of work. Scared that I won't get enough people to make it worthwhile, so concentrating more on media at the moment than donations. Need to start rounding up volunteers also, I'm going to need a good number given the winding course. Anyone want to help?! Details at