
I ran a 4 miler 2 weeks ago in a FREEZING cold Central Park. So glad I went, my time wasn't great but not bad either (9:20 miles actually, so perhaps my best race time so far). I've signed up for a 10k this weekend, and the Brooklyn Half Marathon May 3rd!! Scary but feels do-able. I've hit 11 miles once last month, and it was a tremendous feeling.

Hard to train in the next 2 months though as my dh is going away on business for 6 of the next 7 weeks. I only will have childcare (i hope!) 2 days a week, and have to run treadmill at least 2x a week, and beg help on weekends for a long run. Hope my aunt/uncle can do a weekend, a friend do another, and perhaps my inlaws another night or afternoon. I SO don't want to fall behind. The momentum has been good and addictive. I need new shoes, but can't afford them right now. I'm waiting for my Garmin back, it went belly-up for no reason a couple weeks ago but they offered to fix it under warranty even though it was 2 weeks past being covered. Then yesterday I lost one of my Burton gloves, great running gloves (well, snowboarding gloves, but work just as well for running!) and I'm bummed. I can't replace those either but thankfully won't really need them again till fall I don't think.