No winner this week

Hey ladies, thanks to the four of you who answered last week’s question about What ‘time’ do you live in?  Good to know I’m not the only future-dweller :).  Still working on living in and enjoying the present.  Any tips on how to enjoy taxes?  Please share!

My spring break plans got chucked out the window this morning, so I’ll not be getting out of town after all.  Kind of knew it wasn’t going to happen this week, just praying it works out in the next couple of weeks for me to go see my grandma … one of my absolutely favorite people in this world and she’s going to be 93 in August. 

Hope your easter was good, ours ended up to be very low-key with a backyard easter egg hunt using shoe-box baskets, and a dinner out with my aunt and uncle.  So very glad for resurrection, for sun, and for the spring that is almost almost here! 

I was caught this morning while trying to catch a few extra zzzs, this boy here was busy eating chocolate eggs as fast and as quietly as he could!  Stinker :).

Great SaneMom spotlight coming up, and that newsletter to get out, so stay tuned!