Costume Craziness?

Our boys are determined to be a martian and a cement truck this year, and neither one is remotely close to being finished.  I’m not too worried, it’s always a night-before affair in this house and I’m resigned to that.

In case you’re still hunting for costume ideas, here are some links to check out (for both kids and adults) …

Costumes you can make cheaply

50 Cheap and Easy Halloween Costumes for Adults & Children from the Coupon Sherpa

10 Cheap Costume Ideas

Thrifty Mommy has 33 DIY ideas listed

What are your kids going to be? 

Nine Years

Today marks the 9th year of my marriage, and while we don’t do much in the way of celebrations, I wanted to send a shout out to my husband Michael.  I most definitely would not be even close to sane as a mom if it weren’t for him.  One of the first traits that attracted me to him (long before I started dating him) was the thought that he’d make an awesome father.  I can only say it’s been true in more ways than I imagined.  He’s patient, fun, creative, and just plain goofy as a dad, and thank God for it because I’m not enough of any of those things to parent very effectively alone.  Happy Anniversary MBV, and thanks for a most interesting 9 years, looking forward to the next few!



Happy Holidays!

Whether you’re recovering from Canada Day or anticipating July 4th, or simply starting your summer vacation, hope it’s a great one!  I’m gearing up for a hodge-podge weekend here, with possible company, a party that I hope not to have to take the kids to (they’ll be the only ones and I don’t know the house), Fynn’s first haircut(!), and hopefully a couple of good runs. 

Hope your weekend is full of food and friends, if you need a few last-minute ideas check out PW’s Arsenal or the Independence Day lineup over at Recipezaar.

At Fynn’s 3rd birthday celebration last weekend, we kept it simple-ish with a big jug of lemonade (I borrowed the jug from a friend and lived in fear that it would get knocked over!), cupcakes, paint and paper, and burgers on the grill.  A smashingly good time was had by all, and it only took me 45 minutes the next day to scrub the paint off the sidewalk and backyard slate :). 

It’s hard for me to keep it simple, but it worked really well, and I hope I learned my lesson.  It didn’t hurt that I had two friends here for the weekend who both work in the restaurant biz, and who were all over my kitchen getting things done :).  Have a great weekend however you spend it!

No winner this week

Hey ladies, thanks to the four of you who answered last week’s question about What ‘time’ do you live in?  Good to know I’m not the only future-dweller :).  Still working on living in and enjoying the present.  Any tips on how to enjoy taxes?  Please share!

My spring break plans got chucked out the window this morning, so I’ll not be getting out of town after all.  Kind of knew it wasn’t going to happen this week, just praying it works out in the next couple of weeks for me to go see my grandma … one of my absolutely favorite people in this world and she’s going to be 93 in August. 

Hope your easter was good, ours ended up to be very low-key with a backyard easter egg hunt using shoe-box baskets, and a dinner out with my aunt and uncle.  So very glad for resurrection, for sun, and for the spring that is almost almost here! 

I was caught this morning while trying to catch a few extra zzzs, this boy here was busy eating chocolate eggs as fast and as quietly as he could!  Stinker :).

Great SaneMom spotlight coming up, and that newsletter to get out, so stay tuned!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary!

Today is the 7th anniversary of the day I became a mom.  I’m looking for profound thoughts but so far have none, other than how on EARTH do I have a 7-year-old?!  The photo below was shot by lamplight when he was 20 minutes old.  I can remember it like it was 20 minutes ago.  Does that ever change?!

Speaking of 7-year-olds, this one has my heart :).

Happy Birthday Douglas!  Thanks for starting me on the in(sane) venture that is motherhood, I wouldn’t trade it for the world :).