capping off the week

Well I did my 21 yesterday, and whew! The sitter was late, I was nervous and didn't sleep all that well (and I don't expect that to change come race-day) but I went. Got there at about 7:30 and found the group training run already started. I'd tried to register for it but it was full (up to 20 miles with pace groups, run by NYRR folks) so I figured I'd just tag along and snitch from their water stations. I actually found the groups a bit annoying, some with drill-sargent types giving loud commentaries, and others just plain hogging the road in a way that was hard to get away from, and hard not to fall in with as their pace was so steady. I did the first six miles a bit fast (10mm) and was really feeling it in my legs from the previous weekend. I definitely wasn't fully recovered. The next lap (they're 6 each) was a struggle mentally, and physically. At about mile 13 I got a sudden stabbing pain my ankle which I had to stop and massage, and it hurt off/on the rest of the run. I had to stop about 4 times to massage it, and worried that it was something serious. I suspect a tendon strain, but really don't know. No swelling or bruising at all, but still sore to the touch. I've iced and arnica'd and all that, we'll see. The last lap was brutal but in a way the easiest as I got lost in a bit of a fog and just staggered on. No real sign of THE WALL, which was a relief, tho I'm sure I'll find it somewhere :). The whole thing was a bit of a wall.

I felt better afterwards than last week, walked a bit, got a muffin and snowcone, wiped crusted salt off my face and arms (I hate that part) and came home. It hurt big time to pay the sitter $100 for the 6 hours with my two kids, but they had a great time and it was the only option. Just two more really long ones and then the taper off period! I definitely need new shoes asap, I see the wear on them and can feel the loss of cushioning. Off to see if there are any new pairs on ebay :)