paused ...

that sore ankle? still sore, with pretty strong pain just below my ankle bone. skipped my long run today, did a couple short ones with some soreness during the week. part of me is terrified it's a hairline fracture, but there's no swelling or bruising at all, just intermittent pain when running, and strong pain if i press on one certain spot on my ankle. swam yesterday (laps) for the first time ever, did 42, in a pool where 72=a mile. i'm not a strong swimmer at all, but figured it was better than nothing and didn't strain the ankle. of course I bonked my foot on the wall once, and now have an overall sore ankle, but it's the kind i'm familiar with and it will be fine in a day or two. wanted to go swim double that tonight, but the sitter isn't free and i'm stuck with the boys. feeling a bit pent up, realllllly missing the long run and it's associated free time, and trying not to fret too much. prayers greatly appreciated that it will heal asap, and not be a big deal.