Week 11 update

Not the week I'd hoped for, but such is life. I ran tuesday/wednesday, and realized the ankle really DID need to rest. Swam 42 laps Friday (just over half a mile) at the Y, and ended up kicking the sore ankle against the wall and having new issues crop up! So much for swimming to avoid strain ...
Wednesday I had acupunture on my ankle, which felt weird and good and seemed to help.
Friday my new shoes arrived, hooray! 3rd pair, and last before the marathon ... I hope. The pile is growing :).
Saturday I seriously moped as I had to skip my scheduled 10 mile run, and REALLY missed it. Fears of losing momentum, of possibly fractured ankles, and lack of time alone dominated my weekend. M is still away ... hopes to be home in time for this coming weekend, I am SO ready for him to be back.
Yesterday I swam again, and today I ran 3 easy miles to test the ankle out. I can feel it in strange ways, but the original spot that hurt didn't hurt at all. (Pushing the jogging stroller didn't help). It still needs lots of massage, rest, and stretching I think. Will see how it feels tomorrow before attempting a speed run.